The OSI reference model, as shown under, is
developed by International Standards
Organization (ISO) as a step towards international standardization of the
protocols used in the networking.
The model is called OSI (Open System Interconnection)
because it deals with connecting open systems that is, systems that are open
for communication with other systems.
OSI Defines: - How
network device contact each other, if they have different language, How they
communicate each other?
OSI is not a physical model; rather it
is a set of guidelines that application developer can use to create
application that run on network. It also provides
framework for creating and implementing
networking standards, devices, internetworking scheme.
O.S.I Has 7 Layer,
divided into 2 groups.
The Layer 4-3-2-1 layer defines how data is
transmitted end-to-end.
The Layer 7-6-5 defines how the application within
one station will communicate with each other. Responsible for application
communication between hosts.
Layers are as under:
A layer should be created where a different level
of abstraction is needed.
Each layer should perform a well defined function.
The function of each layer should be chosen with an
eye towards defining internationally standardized protocols.
The layer boundaries should be chosen to minimize
the information flow across the interfaces.
The number of layers should be large enough that
distinct functions need not be thrown together in the same layer out of
(1) Physical Layer:
The physical layer of the OSI model establishes the
physical characteristics of the network such as the type of cable, connectors,
and the length of the cable.
This layer also defines the electrical
characteristics of the signals used to transmit the data. The electrical
characteristics include signal voltage swing and duration of voltages.
The physical layer transmits the binary data (bits)
as electrical or optical signals depending on medium.
This layer is concern with the following:
o Physical characteristics of interface and medium: This layer defines the characteristics of the interface between the
devices and the transmission medium.
o Representation of bits: Data of this layer
consists of a stream of bits without any interpretation. They must be encoded
into signals (electronics or optical), which is defined by the physical medium.
o Data rates: The number of bits sent each second, is also
defined b the physical layer.
o Line configuration: They physical layer is concerned
with the connection of device to the medium. It can be Point-to-Point or
Multipoint Configuration.
o Transmission Mode: The physical layer also defined
the direction of transmission between two devices (Simplex, Half-Duplex or
(2) Data Link Layer:
The data link layer
defines how the signal will be placed.
In this layer, the data
frames are broken down into individual bits that can be translated into
electronic signals and sent over network. On the receiving end the bits are
reassembled into frames for processing by upper levels.
If an acknowledgement is
expected and not received, the frame will be resent.
Error and corrupt data
detection and correction is also performed at the data link layer
The data link layer transforms the physical layer,
a raw transmission facility, to a reliable link and is responsible for
node-to-node delivery.
- Function: Framing, Combine Packets into Bytes And bytes
into Frame
o Framing: the data link layer divides the stream of bits
received from the network layer into manageable data units called frames.
o Physical Addressing: If frames are to be
distributed to different systems on the network, the data link layer adds a
header to the frame to define the physical address of the sender and receiver
of the frame.
o Flow control: If the rate at which the data are absorbed by the
receiver is less than the rate produced in the sender, the data link layer
imposes the flow control mechanism to prevent overwhelming the receiver.
o Error control: The data link layer adds
reliability to the physical layer by adding mechanisms to detect and retransmit
damaged or lost frames. It uses the mechanism to prevent duplication of frames.
Error control is normally achieved through a trailer added to the end of the
o Access control: When two or more devices are
connected to the same link, data link layer protocols are necessary to
determine which device has control over the link at any given time.
(3) Network Layer:
The network layer is primarily concerned with
addressing and routing.
Logical addresses or IP addresses are
translated into physical addresses or machine addresses for transmission at the
network layer.
On the receiving side, the translation process
is reversed.
The network layer also determines the route
from the source to the destination computer to deliver packets.
Routes are determined based on packet
addresses and network conditions. Traffic control measures are also implemented
at the network layer.
If 2 systems are connected in the same network, there is no need for the
network layer.
Function: Routing,
Provides Logical
addressing which router used for path determination
o Logical Addressing: The physical addressing
implemented by the data link layer handles the addressing problem locally. If
packet passes the network boundary, it needs another addressing system to help
distinguish the source and destination system.
o Routing: When independent networks or links are connected
together to create internetwork, the connecting device (router or gateway)
route the packets to their final destination. This is one more mechanism
provided by this layer.
(4) Transport Layer:
The transport layer is responsible for the
control of flow and ensuring that messages are delivered error free source -to-destination (end-to-end).
On the originating side, messages are packaged
for efficient transmission and assigned a tracking number.
On the receiving side, the packets are
reassembled, checked for errors, and acknowledged.
The transport layer performs error handling by
ensuring that all data is received in the proper sequence without errors. If
there are errors the data is retransmitted.
· This layer ensures that the whole message arrives intact and in order,
overseeing both error control and flow control at the source-to-destination
· For security purpose, this layer may create a connection between the two
end ports, a logical path between source and destination.
Function: End-to-End Connection, Perform error
correction before retransmit
o Service -point addressing: Computer runs several
programs at the same time. So this layer is responsible for delivering data to
specific process (port) of computer.
It contains service-point address (port address)
and therefore, network layer gets each packet to the correct computer on
correct network.
Segmentation and Reassembly: A message is divided into transmittable segments, each segment
containing sequence number, which enables layer to reassembling the message
correctly upon arriving at the destination and can identify those packets which
are lost during the transmission.
o Connection control: The transport layer can be either
connection or connection oriented.
connection-less transport layer treats each segment as an independent packet
and delivers it to the transport layer at the destination machine.
Whereas connection oriented transport layer makes a
connection with the transport layer at the destination machine first before
delivering the packet.
o Error control: This layer is more concern with
end -to-end control rather than single link control of data link layer. The
receiving transport layer makes sure that the entire message arrives without
error. Error correction is usually achieved through retransmission.
(5) Session Layer:
The session layer is responsible for establishing,
managing, and terminating a connection called session.
A session is an exchange of messages between
computers. Logon, name recognition and security functions occur while
establishing a session.
Managing the session involves synchronization of
user tasks and messages.
Synchronization involves the use of checkpoints in
the data stream. In the event of a failure, only the data from the last
checkpoint has to be resent.
Function: Keeps different application data separate, Dialog
control, Synchronization
o Dialog control: The session layer allows two
systems to enter into a dialog. It allows the communication between two
processes to take place either in half-duplex or full duplex.
o Synchronization: This layer allows a process to
add check points into a stream of data.
(6) Presentation Layer:
This layer is concern with the syntax and semantics
of the information exchanged between 2 systems. The presentation layer is
concerned with translating, interpreting, and converting the data from various
Data is compressed for transmission and
uncompressed on receipt in this layer. Encryption techniques are also
implemented at the presentation layer. The redirector operates at the
presentation layer by redirecting I/O operations across networks.
Function: Present Data, Handles Processing Such as Encryption, Compression and Translation Services
o Translation: Information should be changed to bit streams before
being transmitted. Because different computers us e different encoding system,
the presentation layer is responsible for interoperability between these
different encoding methods.
o Encryption: To carry sensitive information, a system must be
able to assure privacy. Transformation is carried out at this layer.
o Compression: Data compression reduces the number of bits to be
transmitted. It is highly required when transmitting data of text, audio and
(7) Application Layer:
This layer provides the
operational system with direct access to the network services.
It also provides an
interface so that Application (Web Browser) that are running on the local
machine can access the network services. So It enables user or
software to access the network.
It provides user interfaces and support for
services such as electronic mail, remote file access and transfer, shared
database management, and other types of distributed information services.
o Network Virtual Terminal: A network virtual
terminal is a software version of a physical terminal and allows a user to log
on to a remote host.
o File Transfer and Access Management: This
application allows a user to access files in a remote computer.
o E-Mail Service: This application provides the
basis for email forwarding and storage.
o Directory Service: This application provides distributed
database source and access for global information about various objects and
Summary of Layers
Physical Layer: To transmit bits over a medium.
Data Link Layer: To organize bits into frames; to provide node-to-node delivery.
Network Layer: To move packets from source to destination; to provide internetworking.
Transport Layer: To provide reliable end-to-end message delivery and error recovery.
Session Layer: To establish, manage and terminate sessions.
Presentation Layer: To translate, encrypt, and compress data.
Application Layer: To allow access to network resources.
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